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A member registered Dec 25, 2015

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Good concept! Once I realised banking off corners (like in pool etc) was a good way to get around, it felt a lot more fluid/fun.

A couple of technical hitches, such as the sound effect volume level fluctuating to really loud a few times, but nothing game breaking. Solid game, well done! :)

Ahhhh, I see what you mean. Adding in a quick restart button for practice is something we could implement quite easily. I'll look into adding this for the next version we release :)

Hi there! Thank you for the feedback and sorry for taking so long to get back to you. The 2/3 seconds where the song grinds to a halt before the fail menu pops up is more of a style choice. I feel it's a better transition than just stopping the song immediately and popping the menu up and I don't think it wastes too much time (it should be exactly 2.5 seconds).

This is something we will bare in mind going forward however and if it feels too obstructive/time wasting we will change it :)